Friday, January 16th, 2004

Keep On Lingerin'

Lake Holiday’s own Clay Jones gets namechecked in this piece about Beneath Augusta (formerly Mellonova), his other less fun band, in advance of their UK tour with A Northern Chorus in February (two weeks solid, no nights off! Dear God!). Both bands play a warm-up show along with Raising The Fawn tonight at the El Mocambo. Should be an evening of space-rocky goodness.

Belle & Sebastian release a second single from Dear Catastrophe Waitress on February 16. I’m A Cuckoo will have three b-sides, one a remix of the title track by uber-hip outfit The Avalanches.

The Jayhawks will be releasing a live album later this year, perhaps culled from the current tour? Looking forward to next Tuesday’s show – my first concert of 04!

I finally got the second League Of Extraordinary Gentlemen hardcover last night. If ever a series needed annotations, it’s this one. I figured out a lot of the references, but am sure I missed a slew of others. The second series was again very good, but what it gained in character development it lost in pacing. The great threat to Britannia (Martians! How timely!) ends up playing background to the interaction between primary characters and ends up somewhat anti-climactic when all is said and done. Still, there’s so much mileage to be gotten out of the concept that I hope Moore and O’Neill come back for a third swing at things, though they’ll need a new team… (oops! Spoilers!). And not a movie adaptation, thanks.

Mozilla 1.6 is out now. Go get it.

np – Velvet Crush / Teenage Symphonies To God

By : Frank Yang at 11:00 am
Category: Uncategorized
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  1. comic book guy says:

    LoEG didn’t need annotations as much as From Hell did.

    Now there’s a comic with annotations.