Monday, December 23rd, 2002

Surrealist Compliment Generator

“The phase of your hallucinations reminds me of those balmy days when the championship mould was breeding, when the fish were long, and so were the valued floats of men we drank through narrow straws…”

This was the first return I got from the Surrealist Compliment Generator.

So… would that do it for anyone? Should I write this one down for future reference?

np – Emmylou Harris / Red Dirt Girl

By : Frank Yang at 1:02 pm
Category: Uncategorized
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  1. ian says:

    Yours was a heck of a lot better than mine:

    "I surmise that your basement is made of skin and is never depleted of nurses."

  2. Valerie says:

    i kinda like mine.

    "You are as truthful as a Communist in the streets of Milan. "